An optimistic experiment in housebuilding and sustainable technologies, Greenwich Millennium Village is a community of 3,000 new homes, nestled between the rumble of historic industrial wharfs and the rush of the River Thames. Using principles of village living, the masterplan was designed by Swedish architect Ralph Erskine following the government’s ‘Millennium Communities’ design competition. The 300-acre industrial site on Greenwich Peninsula was purchased as the flagship scheme, setting the benchmark for the revitalisation of brownfield sites across the UK.
In 2010, Jestico + Whiles, along with Peter Barber Architects and Studio 54, were selected from 35 international competition entrants to bring forward the final phases of Erskine’s residential masterplan. The team developed designs that were true to the spirit of Erskine’s vision, while adapting to changing ways of living. The scheme delivered 1,746 new homes, arranged around traditional patterns of squares, avenues and mews to foster a strong sense of community.
Village Stories is a resident-led retrospective, building up a portrait of life today in the village. Jestico + Whiles worked with audio producer Flo Lines and architectural filmmaker Dion Barrett to collect a rich variety of experiences from current residents and people working in the area, discussing local culture, food and community.