Topping out at Vincent Street

Last week we celebrated the topping out of Vincent Street – the first phase of the Canning Town Estates Regeneration project, which will deliver 147 Passivhaus-certified social rent homes for the London Borough of Newham.
Almost half the homes being delivered at the site by contractor Hill Group are for larger families to meet local need, including 5-bedroom houses designed specially for intergenerational households.
Co-design with the estate residents has been at the heart of the design process. Our consortium – including Buro Happold, Shade Abdul, ArchitectureDoingPlace, Alexandra Steed Urban, Amanda Reynolds Urbanism, Urban Delivery, and Accertum – has held more than 100 events with residents.
Looking ahead, our consortium is developing an upcoming outline planning submission for over 1,300 new homes, further shaping a sustainable and thriving future for Canning Town.